About 5 weeks after my surgery, I went through three or four days of a really bad headache. I called it a migraine. It went away. For a while. Now, it is back every time I stand and there is some concern I have a dural leak (CSF leak). Read more →

About 5 weeks after my surgery, I went through three or four days of a really bad headache. I called it a migraine. It went away. For a while. Now, it is back every time I stand and there is some concern I have a dural leak (CSF leak). Read more →
I had my uneventful L4-L5 post-op visit today and it was pretty uneventful. Read more →
I really thought I was in the clear from another back surgery. But today I had my second. It has been a totally different experience. I can’t say it has been good, but it has been much better than the last one. Read more →
So, a little over 3 years ago I had surgery on my L5-S1 disc. An unexpected rupture sent me on a trip to the hospital that ended up with the surgery. At the time, the L5-S1 was protruding 9mm. The MRI also showed that the L4-L5 (just above it) had a bit of a bulge. Read more →
I can’t say time flies, but it has been two years since I ruptured my L5-S1, got carted to the hospital in an ambulance, scheduled a quick surgery and started rehab. I mostly think year over year where I see improvements. Two years is an interesting comparison. Read more →
This marks my 1 year post-op. A lot has happened in a year. Thanks to the surgery, I am fairly normal. More to come when I have time. Read more →
It has been a while since my last back surgery recovery update, so I’m past due. It is hard to say too much when things are pretty stable. There are still some challenging days, but for the most part I’m doing well. Read more →
Can you prepare for back surgery? I don’t know for sure, I wasn’t given the chance since mine was done quickly to recover muscle control. As every back/nerve problem is different, I think each preparation would also be different. I do think I learned some tricks that might help others. Read more →
I’m closing in on 6 months since my L5-S1 laminectomy. I’m made a lot of progress and am generally living life fairly normally again. I’m even riding my bike. I noticed that I recently did the same ride last week that I did a year ago. It shows I have a ways to go, but it also shows I’ve come… Read more →
I just turned the five month mark in my recovery from laminectomy surgery. This is probably the first “month” since surgery that I don’t think I’ve got much to say. Life is kind of normal. Read more →