4 Weeks: Crutching Along

Today marks the 4th week since my microfracture surgery. During the first week, a lot happened, and I am glad to say the rest of the time has been more or less boring.

Sort of like flying, the less excitement you get the better. Excitement probably means something went wrong. There was a lot of excitement with the blood clot. Now I feel like I am in the marathon part of my recovery.

I’ve got at least two more weeks of no-weight bearing time that will probably be followed by a couple of weeks of transition back to weight bearing. I don’t know what that will look like, but it will probably involve a the crutches and a cane.

I will say that the crutches are not that bad, but I have to say that I don’t like them. It is not fun to have to crutch around. I appreciate the freedom that one has with full mobility. I also appreciate the adaptability of the body; I have figured out ways to do many things I originally couldn’t.

One month feels like a nice milestone, but it doesn’t mean that much right now. Ultimately, I won’t know how well the microfracture took for a while. That could be 6+ months. I can’t do too much with PT outside of stretching and safe exercises.

I will say that things got easier around the third week (might be earlier if you don’t have the DVT). Now I am in maintenance mode and life isn’t too bad. My spirits are improving and I see the finish line.

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