Knee Update

The good news is that I haven’t been thinking about my knee too much recently.

I’ve added a bit of swimming and am riding my bike a lot more.  I still feel a little weak, but my rides are getting stronger and I feel more and more like running around.  Not jogging, but chasing the kids, bounding up stairs and other types of things.  I’ve never really had the urge to run in the past, but I liked to be quick.  I feel that coming back.

I think some of it is the fact that I am getting more balanced muscle back.  While the girls are at swimming lessons, I am getting in the pool with a kick board and doing laps.  It is hard work, but I can feel the benefits.

It is a long road back, but if you focus on your rehab, it can go pretty smooth.  Again, I don’t think my desk job helps me at all.  If I had more time to work on it, I think I could have come back even faster.  But, hey, don’t rush it more than your body can handle.

  2 comments for “Knee Update

  1. My physical therapist told me that you loose strength in part to the lack of activity and as part of the surgery. I found I had no muscular control the first day and then I lost all muscle by the time I started to walk again.

    Building back that muscle is hard.

    I didn’t hit the pool until over a year after, but that was only due to lack of opportunity (no gym member ship at the time). I would ask a physical therapist when to start. You don’t want to push too hard too fast. Take your time to avoid other complications.

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